Friday, October 2, 2009

The IOC Not Willing To Palter On Hopeandchange O'

Mr. President, America is not hoping for the Olympics in Richard Daley's Chicago for a chance to "inspire the world once more" as you said. Mayor Daley needs to focus his attention on getting Chicago out of the red and we are not holding our breath for the UN to pitch in and help fund the Olympics in the windy city.

The world is inspired by America being America every day. Freedom inspires one and all and America has not only demonstrated freedom but sacrificed and served millions of the world outside her borders towards the march to freedom from subjugation and despotism. It's not about you and your girls watching the Olympics from your backyard, Mr. President, and it's not about Oprah either.

This is a country that is proud and decent whether the world approves or not and we are tired once more of our president apologizing for only he knows what. This is not a country tenanted by smug conceited people, this is a fiercely egalitarian people; a fact that clearly bothers the president.

Mr. Obama's constant castigation of the American people and his magnanimity to the rest of the world seems to stir the former to renewed pugnacity. Maybe if we grovel to the IOC and the UN and the EU and the Iranian Ahmedinijad and Putin, maybe then, Mr. Obama will deem us worthy of his altruistic representation.

Go Rio!

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