Sunday, December 20, 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Now we know what caused the demise of the dinosaurs - Back Problems!

The Final Countdown - The Rise of Falsehoods with Pastor Billy Crone


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Genesis - The Institution that Provides for Society's Survival: Marriage - Notes

This institution is so important, that God attached the death penalty to adultery.

God creates reality and overlays values onto it. It is not good...God determines what is good and what  is not good. What is missing is someone to help him fulfill the dominion mandate.

I will make him a helper. A partner partnered off the Trinity. All three identities have different tasks.

Comparable to him: In front of him, in full view of him, that corresponds to him that he can fully see. The helper will be another imager of God. Of the same value like Adam.

False religions always subjugate and devalue women like Mormons and Muslims.

It was the Hebrew and Christian cultures that elevated women. Jesus recognized the value of women. 

Subdue the earth, have babies, harness the natural resources of the earth fort he benefit of humanity.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Artist Study - J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851; English Romanticist) - Painting the Industrial Revolution

Heroine of Trafalgar: The Fighting Temeraire, tugged to her last berth to be broken up


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Genesis - The Test of Restriction - Notes


Adam is put in the garden for rest and safety. There is labor which is not a curse, but a blessing.
Work is a gift from God. Pagans are trying to not work, reduce work. The longer one is out of work, the more trouble one gets into. Labor restricts evil. Work gives us meaning. 
The Catholic church separated sacred and secular which was wrong.
To understand all of good and evil, you must be deity that is why it is off-limits to finite human beings. 
The tree is there because man has to have a probationary period: Man must decide. Will man choose life or power? That is the test. If you pass the test, you can have access to the tree of life. 
Power then begins to say, I want life my way, I will use my power for coercion, i will use power to overcome disease, death, I will use power to crush people, to seek revenge. Power will corrupt us.  Man wants to determine right and wrong and force it through power.

Human beings cannot handle power, they crush enemies, wipe out millions of people, oppress. 
Power is a prerogative of God. 

When you disobey, you will be separated from God. We are dying because of sin.

They are in the negative because you can only take away what man already has, inalienable right. 
Do not steal, because private property is an inalienable right. 

Adam and Eve will focus on the restriction, not on the abundance of what God gave them. 
No, Satan you cannot be like me.
No, Adam and Eve, you cant possess that power
No Cain, you can't bring your own sacrifice
No, Abraham, Ishmael will not be the promised son
No, Moses, you will not get out of this, you are going to Pharaoh
No Moses, don't strike the rock
No Samson, you will not have Delilah
No David, you can't have Bathsheba
No, David, you will not build the temple
No Peter, you will not prevent me from going to the cross
No peter put down  you sword
No Paul, no to Asia, you are going to Greece
No, Jesus, this cup will not pass from you.

Give up the one thing, and you will save the whole. Sacrifice your arm and save the body for heaven.
Give up your best, to save the whole. Understand that you may not understand the No, but God does understand the No.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Genesis - The Responsibility of the Dominion Mandate - Notes

Why are people unable to cope with reality and life? People are not living according to what God designed and wanted them to do. If you do that, you will go crazy, you will not think straight. 

Deep down, we respect people who take responsibility.

We do not respect people who play the victim.

The Dominion mandate includes:

  • Procreation, reproduction of the human race. V. 26 Fill the earth and spread out. Overpopulation is a myth. 1798, Sir Thomas predicted a food shortage by 1890 and recommended killing the poor. The UN Fund for population activities is an evil organization behind China's one child policy. Reduce population through abortion and laws. The whole world population could live on 1084 square feet per person. The problem is stupid economic policies, not too many people. 
  • Spread out and create local nations and local states, not a one world government unlike the UN's Agenda 21: No borders, no individual nations, not living in the country.
  • Subdue the earth, use the natural resources and energy for the betterment of man. Harness the natural resources. Using force and exertion of energy to harness earth's power. Minerals, oil, water, trees, soil,. Bring order out of chaos. Order out of chaos implies science, exploration, geology, inventions, technology, engineering, medicine, agriculture, commerce, business, trading
  • Authority, duty over the material world including animals. 
  • Applying the dominion mandate to any culture, what has your society done to develop and harness creation for the benefit of mankind. We judge cultures based on the dominion mandate. Cultures have been disobedient to the dominion mandate. Wherever Christianity or Judaism has gone, the dominion mandate is kept. Countries that have exercised the dominion mandate are successful in obeying the dominion mandate.
  • Man is in charge of the animals and not the other way round.
  • The green movement and radical environmentalists want to hug trees and save the animals and reduce and kill the humans.
  • Man is at the top of the food chain.
  • Mankind's diet is to be vegetarian. Genesis 1:29. Before the fall, before Noah's flood.  Vegetarianism was theological, not because it was healthier. The theological reason for God having man and animals all vegetarian is because there was no death. 
  • People don't mature spiritually because it is hard. Get out of the LOTR Shire and slay dragons. If you want the rest, it's there but you are gonna have to fight a dragon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020



Genesis - The Responsibility of the Imagers Part 2 - Notes

Genesis 1:26

What our duties are as human beings, creation mandates expected of every human being. 

inverted pyramid: The individual, the family, the extended family, society or culture, nation. The very foundation of the nation is the individual.

Human beings are generally irresponsible for themselves and like to play the victim.

We are a vice-regent under God to rule over creation.

Male and female, He created them: two sexes, male and female obvious for interdependence and reproduction and compatibility.

Genesis 1:28 Be fruitful and multiply.

A society without babies, dies. Interestingly most G7 world leaders are childless.

God wants families and nations: individual nation states.

How does God feel for giving His son to human beings who are irresponsible towards His commands?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Genesis - The Responsibility of the Imagers - Notes

 To understand ethics, you have to know the definition of being born in the image of God.

What does it mean to be made in God's image?

A society does not have the right to define what humanity is. 

  • The image of God is not a physical attribute.
  • The image of God is not defined as an ability dependent on the human brain. Intelligence, rationality, emotions, volitional will, sentience and the ability to communicate.
  • The image of God is not bestowed intermittently or incrementally.
  • The image of God is not the spiritual abilities of humans: belief in God, they can pray, know right and wrong. Can a baby have belief in God? No.
  • The image of God is not the immaterial nature of humans: soul, spirit dead unto God.
The image of God is a  position. Representatives of God on earth, imaging God's presence on earth. Given at conception and never leaves us.  Represent God wherever you go. 
The image of God is not a quality within human beings, it is what humans are positionally. 
The image of God, God gives us responsibility. If God calls us to be responsible, the devil calls us to victim-hood: someone is oppressing you.
Made in the image of God requires responsibility. Oppressors vs victims that is Marxism,
You can't even things out, not in this world: the fall happened.
Victims don't understand what their behavior does to other people.

In South America, The Jesuit Catholic + Indian animism + Liberation Theology( a blend of Marxism and Christianity) = Oppressor vs Victim. 
Victims in the family affect the whole family, poor me, and then they just run roughshod over other people.

Entitlement mentality. Trying to equalize things is playing e the role of God. Make excuses for one's behavior.
Deal with your lumps in life, do something and fix yourself do not play the victim.

God has given you the power of contrary choice. You can be an imager or choose the road of victimhood.
What have you done with the options available to you? blame God, blame others?
Have you given away your ownership, your responsibility?
You start demanding fairness like the Marxists or narcissistic politicians and educators .
We become idealistic and perfectionists and if not, we are depressed and don't even try. 
You get into fantasy land and check out of reality.
The next life is where it's at, the how it should be but don't try to think in this life you will have paradise. 
Nothing will ever be right and everything will have to be perfect. 
You will be negative, bitter and critical and noone will want to be around you and then you start blaming others for their mistakes.
Excuses, typically untrue become comfort food for us. 
God wants you to embrace the responsibility that He gave you and you will get stuck and can't move forward. Holding on to what is should have been. ht 
Let go of how things ought to have been.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Composer Study - Niccolo Paganini


The Village Laundry


Genesis - Filling the Void - Notes


Be responsible as human beings to use the signs. 

  • Stars are for navigation Job 38:31-33
  • Directions, if you get lost. 
  • They declare the glory of God. Psalm 19
  • To say that Israel's existence is endless, permanent. Jeremiah 31:35-36
  • For seasons, moadim for temperature control of the planet.  The sun regulates our temperatures, the tilt axis, the rotation around the sun and it's like clockwork. The distance from the sun is prime for temperature regulation. Genesis 8:22 while the earth remains...... 
Humans are not going to regulate the temperature of the earth. There are 31,000 American scientists that have signed a petition opposing global warming. 
So called global warming scientists are faking data and are not the scientific industrial complex controlled by politicians getting funds from the federal government aligned by the federal government's wishes.

The hottest temperatures  recorded was in the 1930s during the dust bowl.
Secular scientist, Carl Lewis's resignation letter....It is of course the global warming scam with the literally trillion dollars driving it.....pseudo scientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. 
See Climate Gate documents.
Judith Curry...on Climate Gate....saw a lot of sausage making and bullying to build consensus. There is no debate anymore. Consensus group think.

Scientists cannot be trusted, they are politicized and someone is cashing's all about trillions. 
Nobel Prize winner...Co2 fear mongering is the new emperor without clothes. The 97% consensus is fake science.

Plants used to eat C02 but today, it is a poisonous gas greening the planet. 
Don Easterbrook....Data has been tampered with. All temperatures were set in the 1930s. 

C02 follows temperature rather than causing it. 

Global weirding these days, we need to be on wind

Abolish gasoline, coal, oil for the demise of America and the destruction of our economy and heavy taxation.

John Casey, NASA consultant... Cold Sun book on global cooling....not global warming.
In Cold Sun, there is the end of global warming, longtime drop of earth temperature, dangerously cold weather and much more. The US govt fired anybody not towing the line for man made global warming.

Genesis says I am controlling the temperature, man says he will control the temperature. 
Maurice Newman: The real agenda is concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook to create a new world order. 

Dr. Dennis Rankor: The problem is the global warming movement is a giant gravy train estimated to be worth 22 billion to 1.5 trillion dollars per year that they can make on this. Global warming is a hoax you hoist on the privileged world. The UN want to put a tax on global warming to fund their new world.

In the 80s it was the ozone layer and aerosol spray cans, they just change their stories. 

For days and years, God wants order and it will not change until God stops it. 
So that human beings can mark time.

When God says it's good, it will benefit mankind and man has to use it.

God is filling the oceans with sea creatures and He is filling the air.
Because of their DNA, these creatures stay withing their kinds.

  1. Cattle
  2. Creeping things
  3. Wild animals
According to it's kind means it is programmed to adapt but not programmed to change out of it's kind.
A lot of fake and fabricated science in Paleontology.

God provides but you have to work the environment. 
In your walk with the Lord, whatever you use will grow.
We have to use what God gives us and we have to use it wholeheartedly.

Why do Christians tend to be halfhearted about growing and commiting to using the tools God provides?

  • We blame others
  • We are running
  • Afraid of change
  • Fear the failure that might happen
  • Lazy
  • Controlled by other people
  • Held back by a lot of old pain
  • Mixed motives

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Genesis 1 - Order out of Chaos Part 2 - Notes

 Kuiper belt and Ort cloud made out of ice: Trillions of particles of ice as a canopy around the entire solar system. This is where we get all our comets made out of ice.

When God says "I separated the waters", trust Him. 

When you see day with a number, it is always a literal 24 hour day. Even today, there is not one Orthodox Rabbis ever said, this is day ages: Rabbis all the way from the Middle ages. Long day ages and long eons of time is Greek thought. Spiritual evolution comes from pagan Babylonian religions. 

Earth, - Eretz. Pre-flood, there was more landmass.

There is more water under the ground than in the oceans.

Ringwoodite. God gave us the details so we cannot make a mistake. Only God can do this, not time+chance.

God is saying, get saved before it's too late, I made creation.

Grass, Herbs, Fruit Trees (

(according to it's kind)x10 in Genesis 1. According to it's kind = Genetics and genetic information within.

Evolution says the exact opposite of what the Bible says. 

Adaptation is not evolution.

All mutations are negative.

DNA is evolution's death knell.

Grasses, covering vegetation.



God is preparing the environment for living humans, prior to our arrival. 

Whose seed is in itself on earth so it replicates and reproduces itself constantly.

Life hitchhiked on a meteorite that hit the planet and aliens dropped life on earth.

Kinds will not jump so you don't get to change your kind.

We have a lush green vegetation ready for man.

Application: God created the environment for us. 

God provides and we receive, He has done this all for us.

James 2:17, every good and perfect gift is from above. You have to receive it.

Receiving means, I have to bow the knee to the one who gave it. I must acknowledge the Giver. 

In order to receive it, I have to admit that I am dependent on God.

The pride of man says, I am independent therefore, infanticide and euthanasia follows.

Ironic judgement: The generation that allowed abortion will be the generation that gets euthanized in their old age.

When you don't worship God, you become crazy, God morons you you become a moron.

In order to receive God's creation, you must go out and get it.

God doesn't give it to you on a silver platter, you have to pick the fruit, God is not picking it for you.

God provides the environment but you have the responsibility to work the environment.

To grow in Christ, God has provided what you need, you have to take advantage of it. 

To be like Christ, God has provided counselors, the Bible, the Church, support groups, spiritual leaders, support groups, and you have to take advantage of that. 

Your spiritual maturity will not be served on a silver platter. You will have to pour in the discipline, the time and the hours to do it, you have to read your bible, study, it's all effort. 

2 Kings 6: The floating ax-head. God makes the ax-head to flow at the top and the man had to swim out there, get his clothes wet, fight through the current, get the ax head and swim back.

God will do what I can't do like create things, but you have to go and get it. 

Genesis - Order out of Chaos Part 1 - Notes

 The seven steps in God's creation.

Days one and three rectify without form. He divides light from darkness.

Day one and four go together 

Day two and five go together

Divide, fill, divide, fill, divide fill.  What God wants out of us is to separate from the world. Come out of her my people, separate and divide. We divide out and then we get filled with the Holy Spirit and the word of God. 

The Memra is distinct from God but is God

The Memra is the agent of creation Psalm 33. By the Memra the Heavens were made...

The Memra is the agent of physical and spiritual salvation

The means by which God signs His promise

The Memra is the logos of the New Testament

The Memra is Jesus but the Rabbis could not admit it: The Logos.

God is the Architect, Jesus initiates and the Holy Spirit puts the energy into creation.

John 1. In the beginning was the Logos/Memra...and without Him nothing was made...that life was the LIGHT of men and the light shines in darkness....

Isaiah 60:1. The light of the world would illuminate Israel.

What is this light? The Shekinah glory of a special light for creation.

Why create light before the sun, before the luminaries? Yahweh is not  dependent on the sun and the moon. 

And God saw.

El Rohi, the all seeing God, the God that is omniscient.

The seeing God. Whatever you do in the dark will come out in the light.

The seeing God: You are doing all these things in the sight of The Lord.

Light is good. Darkness is NOT good.

Light is a metaphor for revelation, revelatory information that only comes from Yahweh. 

God is dividing good revelation from the darkness.

I am the only one that can give you the right information and I am putting boundaries around it by separating light from darkeness.

Isaiah 5. Woe unto anyone who calls evil good, and good, evil.

It is good if it benefits mankind.

Only God can establish reality, this is good, this is bad.

The eternal God does not change and it is foolish for anyone to challenge God in what is good and bad.

God sets the boundaries, and they are fixed. 

Darkness to light, chaos to order. The day starts with night and then it works into the light/morning. 

God stands always facing the light, as He is creating, the darkness is behind Him and He is always facing the light. Always coming out of darkness into the light, looking for the dawn of the new morning. 

Jesus is the Morning Star.

Yom/day occurs 290 times. 24 hour days.

Young earth evidence.

  • Red blood cells found in dinosaur bones tissue.
  • The magnetic field is dying <10,000 years old.
  • Radioactive release of Helium is going on. If earth is billions of years, all would be escaped. 
  • Supernova explosions only stage one and two. 
  • The moon recedes from it's orbit one inch per year. The moon would have touched the earth.
  • Meteoric dust: no major layer of dust. The moon dust was only about an inch of dust.
  • salt in the water. If we are old, the oceans would be very salty due to erosion. 
  • Rapid formation of geological strata. Rapid deposit of mud and sand and instant fossilizing. 
  • Upright fossilized and petrified trees in fossilized layers.
  • Erosion of the continents, they would all be eroded. 
  • Dinosaur tracks, allover the planet you can see dinosaur tracks running in a herd trying to get away from something: water. Dinosaur graveyards in water.

If you don't take genesis literally, you are opening the door to immorality. 

If you reinterpret days, what will stop you from redefining anything else? Marriage, life, etc.

Application. Matt 6:32...if therefore the light that is in you darkness, how great is that darkness?

Eyes are the filter of how you see reality. If your eye is good, if your eye filters reality through the word of God, your whole body will be full of light. 

If your filter does not use scripture at all, you are gonna act in darkness. How bad could you act?

Are you filtering reality properly? 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Where there is a divine counsel was held, - the original earth.
Originally under the dominion of angels.
Every precious stone was your covering...CANOPY, around the earth.
He walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones....
10 stones.
The earth is cursed because of you and is covered with darkness and with water.
The fiery stones emanated light and reflected light.
The anointed cherub who covered.
At the top wrung of angels are cherubim, then   then messengers/angels.
Satan and angels and we are image bearers of Yahweh.
Image bearers have the ability to have contrary choice against our own nature. 
Satan was flawless and used his free will to rebel against God.
Angelic conflict: First family, the angels had the ability to choose contrary to Him. 
God created a family and a third of His family rejected Him.
Ezekiel 28:16 
Iniquity starts in him and it spreads, no one can sin in isolation and neither is this cherub.
Wisdom that is corrupted prevented him from thinking straight.
Rev 12, cast to the Haaretz.
Heb 12, confessed sin, stop the accuser of the brethren before God. 
I'll make you sin, than I'll accuse you before God.
Ezekiel 28:18 You defiled the sanctuaries. The heavenly Tabernacle. Hebrews 9.
Heb 9:11-25 Jesus blood cleansed the heavenly Tabernacle.
Isaiah 14:12-14 Helel Ben Shackar...Satan is his activity.
I will ascend into the heaven, I will sit on God's throne in place of the Messiah.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. - stars - other angels. Disposes Michael the ark angel.
Daniel, we will shine as the stars.
I will sit on the  mount of the congregation on the furthest sides of the north. - Messianic.
He is going to sit in the north for three years in their Holy Place in Israel via Anti-Christ.
I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. 
The Shekinah glory clouds of God. 
I will not share my glory with another, says God. 
The ability to shine in the next life is a big deal reflecting the glory of God. 
EZ 28:18-19 
Therefore Tohu, bohu. 
Principle and application: God creates, his creatures rebel, he judges, it's a pattern.
A lot of bad things can happen to you. God creates, loves, they reject but He does not retreat. 
Relationship is King to God. His loves drives him past knowing what is going to happen. 
What chaos has someone caused in your life? You have a decision to stay stuck or you can push past that and start over again as God does in scripture. 
God starts over and keeps the hope alive and is never stuck in the chaos.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Genesis 1- ORIGINS Notes

Psalm 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Not much.
Isaiah 5, good will become evil and evil will become good when the foundations are destroyed.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people headed to Romans 1.
Because of the foundations destroyed, we are allowing sin to be normal.
The minute a society does not want to worship God, they will inevitably worship something else.
The last days will be like the first days and better. Bereshit.
Bara, only used of God, not of human beings. Ex nihilo, out of nothing. He didn't just refashion things, he makes out of nothing. God exists and you know it.
Bereshit Bara Elohim - A personal God.
This being must be very caring for us - Design is completely fine tuned for our benefit.
The laws of nature work out out favor.
Plurality of identities in the Godhead - Elohim.
Elohim is not Allah, or the god of the Mormons or Hinduism's many gods.
Elohim is a necessary being - the uncaused Cause. 
Matter doesn't create anything new, for matter to exist, something caused it.
Science says, for the universe to be created, the Unaused Cause has to be eternal, without matter, posses unlimited power.
Created the Heavens - Shamaim: space.
Earth created - Aaretz - 
Space, time and matter: the thumbprint of Elohim, a tripartite. You see threes everywhere in creation.
The transcendent, omnipotent Godhead
Elohim has the right and power to tell us what to do.
Everything you do is spiritual. The Shamaim and the aaretz are connected.
God also has the power to enforce things and you don't want to mess with that power.
If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Not much. 


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Monday, July 13, 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020