Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The easiest way to get the American people or any other people uneasy about you is to make them nervous about your ability or intention in keeping them and their families safe: President Obama is waltzing on the edge of disaster.

When Army Major Nidal Malik Hassan, a Muslim of Palestinian descent with Yemeni connections murdered 13 innocent people at Fort Hood Texas, Mr. Obama was quick to warn the American public against "jumping to conclusions" over the motives of the shooter--who gave a jihadist war-cry right before he commenced the shooting.

When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab straps explosives on his body and makes it to a Detroit bound US plane and attempts to bring the plane down, The President takes three days before charging to reassure the nation inbetween a game of golf and a game of Tennis. The President's hand-hot speech says things like: Abdulmutallab is an "isolated extremist" who "allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device on his body". This "Isolated extremist" too had serious ties to Yemen, his own father warned US bureaucrats somewhere more than once about his son's extremist activities.

One has to be a put on your pre-9-11 spectacles to not be alarmed by the president's complacency when it comes to protecting Americans versus being a backpedaling terror denier. The President's lackadaisical approach to the war on "isolated incidents that should be referred to as anything but "premeditated terror" is not fooling the American public.

Is this naivety or insensibility? Whatever it is, it is stirring in too many people a sure apprehension rather than reassurance from the head of the system that the head of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano says failed before it did not fail.

When children playing by themselves choose a leader, they naturally choose the fiercest, loudest one among them. A spark of spirit in the eyes of a fearless leader causes others to want to follow, a soothing reflection for the most vacant of eyes, a feeling of safety and reassurance. Ever followed someone who did not inspire in you confidence and trust? Someone you were always second guessing? Someone you hope "gets it" this time?

Meanwhile the administration is busy trying to close down Guantanamo Bay detention center and send some of those terrorists back to Yemen to run free in the new Islamic terror haven.

The president is too indulgent in humoring the Islamic terrorist's caprices not from rationale, but from the effects of the anti-George W Bush medicine he's been taking.

Mr. Obama's honeysuckles are yielding and embracing jihadist thorns that stand erect; there are no mutual concessions. It is enough to guard against terrorists who have declared war against you, but what does it take to guard against your president's naivety that is supposed to be guarding you? What will it take to rouse this president to animation against terrorism? another Noble Peace Prize?

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