Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our brilliant, sensitive and spunky Anna!

She always roots for the underdog and hangs in there with the Argentinian soccer team
[FIFA 2010] in spite of the German onslaught. Fearless and spunky doesn't begin to define this child!. She says what she means and let's the chips fall where they may. A master of inventing words on the fly from infancy. She talks to her math problems out loud and tells them to behave themselves or her brain to think harder and quit messing around.
When she was five she saw a bird fly into the backyard and said nonchalantly, "oh, that's a robin". I said, "how did you know it's a robin?" She said, "because it has a reddish chestnut breast, a yellow bill and a grey back". I said, "really?" She rolled her eyes and went into the house and brought an animal encyclopedia open at the robins section to convince the unbelievers.

She reads Atlases like a story book and tells us all where obscure islands that come up in conversation are located with 99.9% accuracy. When the rest of us were glassy eyed during the 2008 Olympics Parade of Nations, She pointed out that Those Solomon Islands people live North of New Zealand...and yes, we of little faith had to look it up.

She shows unmerited compassion to her little brother JJ and lets him get away with "bloody murder" so much so that when he is in trouble and Iam not around he runs to Ann
a. She loves to draw and pesters me constantly to get my super artistic brother to critique her Art.

Has always genuinely loved gardening and weeding and yes, she talks to the weeds too and tells

them it's a bad idea they decided to grow amongst her onions because they are going down!
She wants to be a nature teacher/park ranger and it's nowonder because she loves nature and the outdoors best of all.

History brings her to tears because those Romans and Barbarians should have just figured out a way to get along and be nice to each other and not fight all the time.

She wonders who made the rules that say a pink sock can't look just dandy with a white sock. As a child she insisted on wearing two different colored socks and why not?...and yesterday she had a green sock and a brown sock on... She adds so much color to our lives and we couldn't ask for more. Most times she wins most arguments on facts, and sometimes if she is not winning, why bother playing?
You go Anna! We've got your back.

July 2012: You turned 10. You have a heart that is tender towards the Lord. Keep pursuing Him and loving Him all the days of your life. We love you and are very proud of you!

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