Saturday, June 18, 2011

I have a boy, he's 6 and he owns a measuring tape!

June 13 2011. Josh asked me how many months old I was. Naturally I did not know. I gave him a very reasonable grown up answer like..."when I teach you how to multiply big numbers, we can then count how many months old I am." Then he said, "well, I'll count."  A few minutes later he came  back and told me that I was 408 months old. I thought, "what?" Pulled out my little calculator and multiplied 34*12, turns out it's 408. I asked him how he figured it out. He said..."it's easy. I used a measuring tape. If one foot has 12 inches, that is the same as one year having 12 months. So I just know how many inches are in 17 feet and then I just did it two times since 17+17 is 34."

He is on his third construction tape. #1 and #2 were worn out and #3 is going down fast. His idea of art is drawing a ruler and calibrating the inches and centimeters just right.

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