Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Genesis 1- ORIGINS Notes

Psalm 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Not much.
Isaiah 5, good will become evil and evil will become good when the foundations are destroyed.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people headed to Romans 1.
Because of the foundations destroyed, we are allowing sin to be normal.
The minute a society does not want to worship God, they will inevitably worship something else.
The last days will be like the first days and better. Bereshit.
Bara, only used of God, not of human beings. Ex nihilo, out of nothing. He didn't just refashion things, he makes out of nothing. God exists and you know it.
Bereshit Bara Elohim - A personal God.
This being must be very caring for us - Design is completely fine tuned for our benefit.
The laws of nature work out out favor.
Plurality of identities in the Godhead - Elohim.
Elohim is not Allah, or the god of the Mormons or Hinduism's many gods.
Elohim is a necessary being - the uncaused Cause. 
Matter doesn't create anything new, for matter to exist, something caused it.
Science says, for the universe to be created, the Unaused Cause has to be eternal, without matter, posses unlimited power.
Created the Heavens - Shamaim: space.
Earth created - Aaretz - 
Space, time and matter: the thumbprint of Elohim, a tripartite. You see threes everywhere in creation.
The transcendent, omnipotent Godhead
Elohim has the right and power to tell us what to do.
Everything you do is spiritual. The Shamaim and the aaretz are connected.
God also has the power to enforce things and you don't want to mess with that power.
If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Not much. 


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