Sunday, May 9, 2010


There was once a kingdom, and there was also a very royal palace. There was also a wicked king who lived there. England was not free, and there was a wise woman named Samantha who begged the King to give her some clothes, food, and water. ( for she was a poor woman, who wore nothing but sackcloth.) but the King grew so tired of this, that he did nothing but sent her away. A wise man named John told the King to come out, but the King refused.

So John got a sword and hid it and said kindly, "As for a reward for you, I will give you a sword to kill me and all that are against you. So he told the King to relax and sleep. So after an hour, the King went to sleep. Then John took out the sword and cut the tyrant's back. Then he went to go meet his friend Peter. Peter told him,"You should become King." " You know a lot." " I have been watching you." Then John said "You really want me to become king?" "I will see what the people say." So on March 25, John became King. He told Samantha to go meet Rose But instead of going there, she ran away. (For she was an evil lady, that all ladies were afraid of.)

Then Abigail (a very nice lady she was) said "Oh! where is Samantha?" And Amy said "Well what about my sister Rose?" So Amy went where Rose was working, while Abigail went to go find Samantha. Samantha was lost. She should have listened to the King when he told her to go meet Rose. When the King heard that Samantha ran away, he burst out in anger. He called his servants and told them to go and find Samantha and then told his messengers that when Samantha came back, they should tell the commanders to teach her not to run away. After an hour, Samantha came back. And when she came back, the messengers forgot to tell the commanders to tell Samantha not to run away.

The King did not forget his command all that long time. He called his messengers once again and told them "Why haven't you people called the commanders yet?" "Go!" So they went. The commanders brought Samantha back to the palace. The King said "Why did you run away?" "I heard all about it because the messengers told me." Samantha lied and said, "I was to tired to travel any farther so I decided to go home." The King looked at the commanders and looked at her again and said, "Is this true?" And Samantha said, "I'm afraid not." Then the King said, "Go away!" "And never come back again!" Then he told the commanders "Go with her, and while you are there, start to command her." Then he told them," I want you to go to California. When you get there, find the perfect spot to dig a pit and throw her in it. And, keep her in there until July 17." At the bridge, they were waiting for the ship. It took one hour for the ship to come. At last, the ship came. They carried all their boxes into the ship.

Then it was time for the passengers to go in. While they were on the ship, they began to see a desert. (That meant they were near California.) When they reached the desert, the captain said it was their stop. Then they began to carry their boxes out. Then they found the perfect spot to dig a pit. Then they threw Samantha into it. Then Samantha screamed "Get me out of here!" "I won't do it again!" "I promise." But the commanders answered, "Not until July." Samantha felt miserable. She walked around the pit saying, "I promised, I promised, I PROMISED! In July, she was tired, hungry, and miserable. She couldn't walk anymore. Then she thought she would stay in there forever. Suddenly, somebody opened the lid of the pit, and threw a ladder into it and yelled,"Climb up!" Samantha said,"I don't have enough strength to climb." So instead, the stranger threw a rope into the pit and he said "Grab on and I'll pull you up! Samantha grabbed hold of it and held on tight as he pulled her up.

When she was up, he dusted off her clothes and he was just about to put her into a carriage, when two robbers jumped out at them. Their names were Daniel and Jonah. Jonah said, "What are you doing here?" Peter said "Um, just helping this lady here." Daniel said," Jonah and I have already told you not to be helping people." "And if I see you helping anybody else your going to the pit." Then Samantha recognized the man that was helping her. It was Peter! When they got into the carriage Peter whispered something special. He said, "Did you know that I'm going to marry you?" Samantha said that that was wonderful.

When they got home the King said that he was sorry for his cruelty. He also said that there was a surprise waiting for them. When they got outside the palace they were having a wedding! All of their friends and their family was there. After the wedding, England was set free, and around August Samantha had a baby and they had lots of other children and they lived happily ever after THE END

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