Tuesday, April 12, 2011

He Percheth Himself on a High Stool and Singeth a Song While Strumming His Toy Guitar

God has been good to me. They call him JJ, he is three and that's where the trouble begins...

I have great readers, numbers buffs, nature aficionados among my lot but hallelujah, I have a poet and a singer. He is our delightful, fearless JJ. He hears a song once and repeats it almost perfectly days later. When the Father was dispatching this one from heaven, He must have thrown in some extra energy for good measure. He tires not, keepeth quiet not, loveth conversation and chaseth anyone in sight brandishing a book and demanding, "read et!". He seeks out company ALL THE TIME and will usually find someone sitting on a chair and force you to scooch over and engage you in conversation with perfect tense and a brilliant use of the English language.

He walks right up to his dad and says in a matter of fact way, "Hey ma daddy, what are you doing?" He used to call me "my mummy" just in case I was being mixed up with other mummies. His smile is eternal and as unceasing as is his energy. He is the owner of the infamous red shoes that have a rather menacing something about them. When he pulls one of his college level feats of the English language, we laugh to which he chides "What are you laffing about? It's not funny."

His forbearing sisters spoil him, his brother fires him up, his dad lays down the law and I am caught in-between hysterics and bewilderment.
He is my littler boy-wonder, brother to the other boy. While the feminists in the past 4 decades have tried to promote a silly idea called "unisex" nonsense, my boy and his brother are all boy not because anyone socially influenced them...silly social engineers....they were born boys. To them, a Barbie doll comes in quite handy as a cudgel or perhaps a good target for....what do soldiers use targets for?

Daily I have my hands full just to keep them from marring each other's stunning good looks!...were they twins 'twould be the Comedy of Errors. And JJ was not influenced to play really rough tumble and 'jump off anything that will stand still', he was just blessed to be born a few months after his brother and had a ready-made partner with whom to "live it up" with. He daily reminds me of my big brother and acts like it too-so sayeth my mom.

But today, he is my little boy. Loves to be read to, wields his charm like a weapon and is quite difficult to a wear out. God bless our JJ, my rough riding songbird. He is my (baddery)battery-thirsty lad whose love of motor-cars would suit Mr. Toad in The Wind in the Willows just fine.

His name became Joseph and The Lord hath added and will increase him and us all the days of his life and indeed double the pleasure of this comedy that is the life of our son.

Here are some JJisms:
August 18 2011... When the day jumps into the dark, the dark will spoil
August 26 2011...You need to make a happy face and don't have a stern face and don't use that angry voice because I am behaving
August 30 2011...Mommy, I have a job for you: go upstairs and get those clothes in your room and wash them. They are half dirty
October 2011...JJ was asked what the thing for putting air into an air bed is called. His answer.."the air putter inner"
December 26 2011Cucu jokingly asked JJ whether she can bring him a live chicken, so he can kill it (my apologies to PITA-NOT) and then we can cook it. JJ's reply: "But we don't have a killer"
January 2012 What's these hairy things on my doen doen? Eyebrows?
April 2012..."JJ, what do we call these?" JJ's reply? "Bun honeys"...oh, for the love of honey buns. 

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